Sunday, July 3, 2011

Seeking Parents of K-6th Grade Military Children

As many of you know, I’m conducting my doctoral study on parental involvement in a military child’s education. I have permission to seek participants online, through organizations, etc. If you are a parent of a military child in K-6th grade, I’d love your input. It is all anonymous & all multiple choice. SURVEY The maximum burden is 15 minutes (though some respondents did it in 5 minutes). Please feel free to share the link, too! If this is not applicable to you, please feel free to share with those whom may be interested. I need at least 600 participants to maintain my confidence level with such an unknown sized population.

“You are invited to take part in a research study about parental participation in the education of military children. The purpose of this study is to examine parental viewpoints of parent-school partnerships in educational experiences and to construct strategies that may enhance and strengthen involvement to create stronger parent-school partnerships. If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to participate in an anonymous, online survey about how you perceive parental involvement as it relates to your elementary-aged child’s education, which will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Any information you provide will be kept confidential. Also, the researcher will not collect your contact information in any part of the study.  If you would like more information and/or to participate in the brief survey, please visit “

This research is not affiliated in anyway with the Department of Defense nor supported by the Department of Defense. The researcher is married to a medically retired wounded warrior, mother to a military child, and teaches in a  military elementary school and desires to research ways to enhance military parent-school partnerships.                                

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