Saturday, July 9, 2011

Keep Your Munchkins Safe Online

Do you want to keep your kids safe online? 
Do you want a code for a BIG discount? Read on...

As a BzzAgent, I've been given the opportunity to try Trend Micro Online Guardian to monitor my son's  Internet activity. I've really liked that it doesn't slow our computer down with a bulky program. Living out in the country, I also have to worry about programs constantly running and pulling on the bandwidth which affects our streaming videos, Internet speed, etc. We had no problem with that at all since downloading it.

I love the fact that I could install it on all computers in my home. Between my son's laptop, our PC in the office, my mac, hubby's laptop, etc., I wanted to make sure that I could keep my son safe no matter what computer he's on. Trend Micro Online Guardian allowed that. I can configure it and monitor it all online which is convenient. However, I do want to note that even though I can configure it online, my son, who's only 9, easily figured out how to bypass many features. He wanted additional Internet time and only had to change the computer's clock with a few clicks in the lower corner. (Note: Didn't have this problem on the mac.) The program was great for blocking him from sending personal information which he has a problem with (when he likes to write celebrities!). However, he figured out how to disable the web filtering (with a mere couple of clicks and without doing it intentionally) which concerns me. You can select age groups for filtering, but their interpretation of ages 8-12 differed than my parenting style for my 9 year-old, but you can easily select and de-select categories.

Overall, it is definitely better than not having anything and it doesn't drain your bandwidth. If your child isn't too tech savvy, they won't be able to disable the features either. As a technology teacher, I've encouraged my son's skills so some of these aspects are affected by it; however, he's also 9 and if you're using this with teens, they can easily bypass a great deal of the features.

But don't take my word for it - get your own subscription with a great discount! Use BZZ20 for 20% off!

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