Wednesday, June 17, 2009

?s to Ask School Districts (When You're Enrolled in EFMP or Have a Special Needs Child)

Are you wondering what questions you should ask of the school district(s) at your new duty station? Do you want to insure they will be able to meet your child's needs? Here are a list of questions you may want to ask when speaking directly with the LSSP or other school district personnel:

  1. Whom should I contact at the school when we arrive?
  2. What information should I bring with me or provide to you before we arrive?
  3. Could I fax/e-mail you a copy of my child’s IEP to help you prepare for his/her arrival? To whom should I send it and what number/e-mail address should I use?
  4. The parts of my child’s IEP that worked really well were (insert information). Does your staff have experience doing this?
  5. What types of evidence-based practices does your district provide students with *(diagnosis) ?
  6. How many students with *(diagnosis) attend the school my child will attend?
  7. Do my child’s teachers have experience and training for teaching students with *(diagnosis) ?
  8. Would it be possible to have my child’s teacher(s) e-mail me brief weekly progress updates?
  9. If my child requires transportation to his/her program, how will that be provided and coordinated?
  10. Does your staff have experience supporting children with *(diagnosis) in an inclusive environment? 
  11. What elective classes (e.g., art, music, PE) are available in which my child can be enrolled?
  12. Is there a local support group for families with children with *(diagnosis) or children with disabilities? If yes, how do I connect with it? What other area resources are available for families that have children with disabilities?
  13. Whom should I contact at the school district if I have questions about my child’s program?
  14. Do you have a similar program? How do you help children with *(diagnosis) develop social skills?
  15. What opportunity will I have to talk with the staff about what has been successful for my child in the past?
  16. If upset, my child might try to run or leave the building (or engage in some other type of response behavior). What precautions can you take to help ensure her/his safety?

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